داستان آبیدیک

couple intervention


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: مداخله زوجی

In this book we view inti- mate relationships in terms of (and thus base couple interventions on) the integrative and substantive science of adult attachment (Johnson, 2004, 2013). The first stage of couple intervention involves de-escalating the nega- tive cycle or dance, usually one of complaint and criticism followed by distancing and stonewalling, that has taken over a couple's relationship and constantly primes insecurity and distress. The teaching of communication or problem- solving skills, a large part of many couple interventions, does not seem to add anything to the effectiveness of EFT (James, 1991). NE W DIRECTIONS FOR AT TACHMENT- ORIENTED COUPLE INTERVENTIONS The new vision offered by attachment science opens up new pathways for clinicians, who help couples create more positive and lasting relation- ships, to explore new ways to use couple interventions in the service of health and happiness.

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